Tag Archives: purpose

Begins Here

We are the ones we have been waiting for.Hopi Prophecy

we are it

When Gandhi said ‘we must be the change we want to see in the world’ he was right of course. It’s either us or no one else. We have to be the change we so desperately want in the world.

let’s do it

  • If we want peace we must be peaceful first.
  • If we want less greed, we must first be satisfied.
  • If we want more love, we must excel in loving others and in having satisfying relationships.
  • If we want less frustration and greater fulfillment in life, we must search for the answers.

Life won’t just happen to us. We must stir and make things happen.

Daily Affirmation: Today I move, I act.

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts by Peter McWilliams

Do It! Let's Get Off Our ButsKindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation

Go To It!

Success doesn’t come to you go to it.Marva Collins

what is it?

What is success? Define it for yourself. If you wrote it down it’ll probably be a few bullet points, here’s an example:

  • Loving relationships
  • Excellent health
  • Challenging & fulfilling projects
  • Exciting goals that you have the ability to fulfill

Make your own list and prioritize it.

go for it!

What’s your main focus in life? What do you most spend your time and thoughts on? Write those down too! How does this new list match up with your ‘success’ list above?

Be real and be honest with yourself. Re-align your life and your efforts to what you define as success. Now go for it. Bon Voyage!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM focused on what I truly want.

Recommendation: The Power of Purpose by Richard J Leider

The Power of Purpose: Find Meaning, Live Longer, Better Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation

Independence Day!

Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.  – Albert Camus

July 4th!

July 4th is the day Americans celebrate Independence Day! Here’s to everyone’s freedom! Are you freer today than you were a year ago, 10 years ago? Are you happier today than you were last year this time?


If not, what’s holding you back?

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM free.

Recommendation: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

Living the Science of MindKindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation

The Art Of Seeing

Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.Jonathan Swift


What’s your vision

  • For yourself?
  • For your family?
  • For your country?
  • For the world?

Covey says that we ought to start with the ‘end in mind’. If we start with a vision, there’s a greater likelihood that we can get there.

art of seeing

Only we can provide our unique interpretation to life, only we can see as we do. But it doesn’t work if we’re lost in our thoughts, or if we’re always in our mind and not truly conscious of what’s going on in the present moment.

Become present, then start noticing. You’ll be amazed at how much more is seen. Listening too is like seeing. Deep listening requires conscious effort and yields clues that otherwise go unnoticed.

Daily Affirmation: Today I see and I hear.

Recommendation: Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox

Always Looking Up: The Adventures of an Incurable OptimistKindle Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G, 6" Display, White, 3G Works Globally - Latest Generation

Courage First!

One isn’t necessarily born with courage, but one is born with potential. Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency. We can’t be kind, true, merciful, generous, or honest.Maya Angelou

uncovering potential

That’s a scheme of the Universe. Create imperfect creatures with a boatload of potential! That potential is largely sitting untapped inside us. We’ve dug some and and unearthed a bit, but there’s a lot more. It’s an ongoing quest!

ignite courage

We may decide to be true for example but without courage we could falter in the first tough situation that we face. Constant vigilance with a solid foundation of courage is what’s needed in our attempts to be virtuous. What’s your challenge?

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM courage itself. I pursue Truth, Beauty and Goodness.

RecommendationRelease Your Brilliance by Simon T. Bailey

Release Your Brilliance: The 4 Steps to Transforming Your Life and Revealing Your Genius to the WorldKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

A Tidy Soul

Be careless in your dress if you must, but keep a tidy soul.Mark Twain

what is it?

A tidy soul is one that’s content, peaceful and driven towards higher goals. As the Bible says ‘Seek ye first the kingdom on God’…we must seek the higher goal, first, the goal to have a ‘tidy soul’, everything else takes care of itself.

unify body, mind and soul

A unified body, mind and soul yields the peace and contentment we seek. Further when the 3 are united, a balanced creativity flows from the being, the kind which yields the highest growth. So how do you unify these 3 systems?

A body of healthy habits and diet, a mind that can focus and achieve results and a soul that seeks the highest values in life. The 3 are ideally brought together in spiritual pursuits including stillness and meditation.

Daily Affirmation: Today I bring my mind and body together in awareness.

Recommendation: Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting FulfillmentKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

John Wooden

Nothing will work unless you do.John Wooden

the legend

John Wooden the legendary coach and motivator, died last week, at almost 100 years of age! Read more about him here in this letter by his friend Steve Jamison. If you’re searching for a solid role model, John could be him!

be effective

The quote doesn’t talk just about the ‘work’ that we do daily. It’s referring to you as an entity and as an end product. The ‘you’ that goes through life interacting with others and with events. So ‘you’ as a complete package must be effective in all that you do and in all that you be. Such levels of effectiveness are possible when we first become aware of our own selves, at all levels. Increasing awareness and then necessary action or adaptation are the keys!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM the complete package.

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts by Peter McWilliams

Do It! Let's Get Off Our ButsKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)