Tag Archives: positive thinking

Your Responsibility

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.Maria Robinson

can’t go back

This week’s quotes are all about beginnings given this is the start of a brand new decade!!

Although we love to dwell on the past, do so only while reminiscing pleasant memories, stay away from the unpleasant kind. You create your own thoughts, learn to control their quality and output!

positive beginnings

The thoughts you dwell on are actualizing your present and creating your future. Choose them wisely, realize your creative abilities as a child of the Universe. Dwell on positive emotions, life is too short. Craft your life with intent and design, that’s how it works!

Recommendation: The Secret

The SecretKindle Wireless Reading Device (6" Display, Global Wireless, Latest Generation)

Why Stay Positive?

The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.Unknown Author

the invisible

There’s an invisible world, one which we often ignore. That part of the Universe and its laws have a direct impact on our daily living. When we raise our vibrations by thinking good, thinking love and thinking positive, we partake of and create positive vibrations. These vibrations impact us, our future and those around us. Good health, great relationships, a happy present moment and a great future is the result!

it affects you first

When we feel resentment, fear, sorrow and experience worry we are generating and/or picking up vibrations of a whole different frequency. These lower frequencies impact us directly and first.

And that is the reason to not let these lower vibrations stick around youself for too long!

Why live with a neighbor that causes nothing but unhappiness? You think you are justified complaining about who did wrong to you and why. You might be justified but don’t feel sorry for yourself.

Break free instead, turn the tide, adopt vibrations of the positive kind!

Recommendation: Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude

Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude: How to Find, Build and Keep a YES! Attitude for a Lifetime of SUCCESS

Creation comes from imagination…

Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.Albert Einstein

Did he say that?

Albert Einstein was a very interesting guy. And he lived the power of thoughts. He also once said "The only real valuable thing is intuition”. How does one cultivate intuition?

What it means for us

Imagine often, imagine the best, imagine in detail and color, live the emotion of that imagination and then leave the rest for the Universal machine to deliver to you. That’s essentially how the Law of Attraction works. Understand and utilize it! Pick up positive intuitive ideas and run with them, those are thoughts that the Universal Intelligence provides as clues to us.

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe

Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend

Command your life!

Don’t be at the mercy of events, command your thoughts instead and command the events in turn.mp

At the Mercy of Events

Something great happens and we feel elated and happy; something bad or terrible occurs and we’re in the doldrums. Sometimes we’re in the doldrums for no apparent reason!


Why be at the mercy of events?

All in the Thoughts

The problem and the solution both lie in our thoughts and how we think. We think most thoughts in our mind, unconsciously. Because we’re not aware of most of our own thoughts we’re unaware how based on assumptions they lead us steadily into feelings of fear, despair and depression.

  1. The first step is to be aware of what we think. Notice how a chain of thoughts is directly responsible for how you feel at any moment.
  2. Catch yourself before you start thinking in this fashion. Understand that life is change and that most of our fear about life is because life doesn’t appear to follow our own expectations. So an example might be that you apply for a job and don’t get it. Now you feel fearful because you hoped and expected to get that job. Because life didn’t turn out the way you expected you think thoughts right into a funk. Here’s the key though; you often think these thoughts unconsciously, you don’t know why you feel a certain way. The job incident might be haunting you 2 months later and you may not realize it.
  3. Don’t have expectations. Ok it’s hard but a habit is built one tiny step at a time. If your end goal is to be calm, peaceful and happy then you might want to do this! Don’t expect life to go your way. Do what’s necessary and then know that you’re capable of handling whatever life throws at you!
  4. Command your thoughts! You are your own master, control the quality of thoughts you think and you directly control the quality of your life. Period.
  5. Visualize what you desire. With regular frequency visualize what you want in as much detail as possible, include the feeling of living that life.

Let’s wake up and live a conscious and meaningful life!

Recommendation: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes

Living the Science of Mind

Life is an adventure!

Life is either a great adventure or nothing.Helen Keller

How is life for you?

Helen’s is a beautiful thought because life cannot be meaningful, fulfilling or fun unless it’s an adventure. When it’s not an adventure life is oppressive, tiresome, never-ending and scary.

It’s what you make it.

You make it with your essential beliefs about life and your attitude. Do you believe that life is fair? Do you think you reap what you sow? Do you think anything is possible in life and that you can achieve anything you put your mind to?

The Universe responds in like terms. Your assumptions about life create the life you’re living, one of your own choosing.

If you don’t like what you live or what you see around you, look within! So grab this moment, be curious, feel wondrous, act silly and giggle.


Recommendation: Notes from the Universe

Notes from the Universe: New Perspectives from an Old Friend

Forgiveness a gift…

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.Suzanne Somers

Forgiveness enables deep healing to occur inside you. It’s a healing that makes the mind sane and the body healthier. It’s a soothing salve that works wonders. At a spiritual level forgiveness allows for a smooth flow of energies in your body that might otherwise be hampered. Once you free that energy up, via forgiveness, you feel better in all respects!

Another way to achieve similar results is to use EFT: a form of affirmations and acupressure tapping. More info here and here.

Recommendation: The EFT Manual

The EFT Manual (EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques)

Be silly…

If people never did silly things nothing intelligent would ever get done.Ludwig Wittgenstein

Being silly is all about being playful. Play leads to creativity. Creativity occurs more readily in the fertile soil that silliness and play create!

It appears that God him/herself created it all in an amazing never ending playful burst. Which is reason enough for us to do the same thing. Reason enough to never worry about life, but instead to spend the eternal Now moment in love, play and endless fun!

How silly are you?

Recommendation: The Playful Way to Knowing Yourself by Roberta Allen

The Playful Way to Knowing Yourself: A Creative Workbook to Inspire Self-Discovery