Tag Archives: Just do it

Do You Play Your Music?

Most people live and die with their music still un-played.Mary Kay Ash

our music?

What drives us? What do we enjoy doing? What would we do if money was no object? How do we find our peace? How can we be fulfilled in mind, body and soul? What’s our music?

play it!

If we keep waiting for answers we’ll be waiting for a long time. The truth is that all life is one discovery after another. We discover our selves and others, endlessly. If we want all the answers first, it’ll be like waiting to play like a pro before we even attempt playing, it’s not going to happen!

Let’s just drop the excuses, jump in, let’s do it, let’s do something, take that first step and start the journey of a thousand steps!!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM on it!

Recommendation: Unstoppable Me! by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Unstoppable Me!: 10 Ways to Soar Through LifeKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Reach Any Goal

9.34 Give me thy mind and give me thy heart, give me thy offerings and thy adoration; and thus with thy soul in harmony, and making me thy goal supreme, thou shalt in truth come to me. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 9)


The very basis and most goals of living are centered around relationships. A primary reason why God created everything was to share himself with his creation. He does that through his very presence within our core being. If we believe in God then the path toward him is through a relationship with him.

with our full being

The instructions given in this verse are comprehensive and allow us to reach any goal we desire. If we set our mind, whole-heartedly, on any goal and make it our prime objective then there’s every reason for us to succeed. Of course the goal of the ages and of most people is to reach God or ultimate reality. Similar to any other relationship, if we dedicate our self to God (the other person), making him the object of our desire then we must succeed!

Daily Affirmation: Today I give self to God.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

What To Do Now?

Time is life. It is irreversible and irreplaceable. To waste your time is to waste your life, but to master your time is to master your life and make the most of it.Alan Lakein

time value

Each breath we take is a measure of time and of our life. Just like each breath is precious so is the time that the breath occupies. And each such moment is unique. What will we make of it?

now or never!

Each moment we have 2 choices:

  • To Be: We can relax, collect our thoughts and figure out what comes next. Breathe….
  • To Do: Take action based on a plan we’ve made previously. If we don’t have a plan, let’s make one, now. Action!!

Daily Affirmation: Today I master life by mastering time.

Recommendation: The Power of Now & Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual EnlightenmentDo It! Let's Get Off Our ButsKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Why Pursuing Safety Is a Trap!

When we renounce our dreams and find peace, we go through a short period of tranquility. But the dead dreams begin to rot within us and to infect our entire being. We then become cruel to those around us, and then we begin to direct this cruelty against ourselves. That’s when illnesses and psychoses arise. What we sought to avoid in combat – disappointment and defeat – come upon us because of our cowardice.Paulo Coelho

kill dreams –> hurt self & others

We all want to be safe and in seeking that safety we often sacrifice our dreams! We’re all afraid of life and of death. This fear is what burrows deep inside us and creates long lasting issues that emerge in different ways. When we can’t surface those fears, anger and other frustrations are the result which in turn hurt us and others.

the antidote

It’s a major travesty when we suppress our dreams and force them to become meaningless. The dreams arise from a deep creative place inside us, a place that itself springs from the divine. Many of our dreams are dreams of the divine. When we push such dreams away we deny God, we deny Universal Intelligence and we deny our own selves. So let’s rejuvenate our lost dreams; let’s rescue them from the abyss and let’s give them a new lease to life!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a dreamer.

Recommendation: The Alchemist by Paul! Coelho

The AlchemistKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

How To Get Anything Done…

It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do. Elbert Hubbard


Making decisions is tough. One big personal learning is that no decision is truly bad or wrong. Always does any decision allow us to make the best of the outcome and figure out the next best steps if only we have the right attitude. So let’s not fear making decisions, things will turn out just fine.

first step

Once the decision is made. Just jump in. Take that first step and notice that it was much easier than expected. Break down the rest of the effort into small steps and repeat. It’s not rocket science and one can’t fail!

Daily Affirmation: Today I decide and jump in!

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts by Peter McWilliams

Do It! Let's Get Off Our ButsKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Why The Universe Conspires With You

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.Ralph Waldo Emerson


We must make decisions if we’re to grow and move. No decision, especially in the longer run , is wrong. We’re often afraid to decide because it means upsetting the status quo. All of creation, our lives, everything around us is driven by change, if we don’t decide we might regret it more than a decision we could have made.


Once we decide, based on our expectations (thoughts & beliefs) the Universe rolls into action! Do you know this to be true in your life? It certainly appears to be true for mine. The Universe is a thought based system that responds to the weakest stirring of a desire. Through desires we grow, achieve, learn, experience and effect lasting change that has an eternal import. Let’s jump in and expect to land on our feet!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a decision engine.

Recommendation: The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of Abraham by Esther Hicks

The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of AbrahamKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Our Precious Life

This lifetime will never come again; it is precious and irreplaceable.  – Daisaku Ikeda

one life

This lifetime is all we have. All we have is now. How can we best live, today?

precious you

We make our life precious. It’s what we think, what we assume, what we intend, what we envision and what we do that matters. What we keep thinking and doing determines our life’s outcome. We choose our thoughts, we choose the life we live. What will we choose today?

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM responsible for my own life.

Recommendation: True Purpose by Tim Kelley

True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to MakeKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6