In Your Hands

Unhappiness is the realization that you don’t know how to save yourself. Happiness is the realization that you do know how to save yourself.  – Vernon Howard

loss of control

This is an amazing quote, why? Because it underscores exactly why we feel unhappy. We feel depressed when we think, at some level, often at a deep subconscious level, that things are hopeless for us. Next time you feel sad, check into yourself and try to trace your thoughts back to how it started…

up to us

Turns out that when we feel in control and know that all is well, we feel happy. Vernon was a true mystic, I’ve loved reading his books (I first read the book below about 30 years ago) and highly recommend them. Our happiness is directly linked to our ability to master our thoughts and to discern truth. We must know what needs to be fixed, that will then lead to ways to address that apparent problem.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM my own master.

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard

The Mystic Path to Cosmic PowerKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6