4.19 He whose undertakings are free from anxious desire and fanciful thought, whose work is made pure in the fire of wisdom: he is called wise by those who see.
4.20 In whatever work he does such a man in truth has peace: he expects nothing, he relies on nothing, and ever has fullness of joy. – The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 4)
anxiety filled days
How much anxiety and stress do we tolerate daily? How much of the two are we even aware of? Once we’re aware of why we get depressed and sense the anxiety that engulfs our selves, we’re on our way… Our ‘fanciful’ thoughts about situations, about us and about others are the reason why we keep falling into the emotional thought maelstrom.
expectation is key
What do we expect from others? What do we expect from our day? What about our own selves? We make up ideas about what our life and our day should be like. Often these images get shattered because life doesn’t cooperate with our projected plans. The way to peace is to live in the moment, without any expectations of the future…
Daily Affirmation: Today I just AM, I expect nothing.
Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro