How Empathetic Are We?

Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself.Mohsin Hamid

empathy in Iceland

The rest of the world is us. They’re not of another planet, they’re not another specie. They are our brothers and sisters. We are them …

After the Iceland government announced that it would accept just 50 Syrian refugees, Icelandic author Bryndis Bjorgvinsdottir launched a Facebook campaign spurring 12,000 people — 4% of the Icelandic population — to pledge to welcome Syrian refugees into their homes. Bryndis shares, "Refugees are our future spouses, best friends, our next soul mate, the drummer in our children’s band, our next colleague, Miss Iceland 2022, the carpenter who finally fixes our bathroom, the chef in the cafeteria, the fireman, the hacker and the television host." Read on to learn more about this display of solidarity and love.


Today I AM relating to others like I AM them. I AM understanding what it is to walk in another’s shoes. I AM truly understanding my brother…

Recommendation: Passionate Presence

Passionate Presence: Experiencing the Seven Qualities of Awakened AwarenessKindle Paperwhite, 6