Category Archives: Quotes – 2010

Being Original

Originality is unexplored territory. You get there by carrying a canoe – you can’t take a taxi. – Alan Alda

being childlike

Originality and creativity come from a playful mode of being. To be creative is to be child-like. As we know children are rarely in a hurry. Children are also extremely curious. And, children always want to have fun. Combine the 3 and we might be onto something!

fun + curiosity + eternity

Life can’t be lived by a formula but the human mind always creates one. When we bring childlike fun and curiosity together along with an easy going attitude the result will likely be an original creation.

Daily Affirmation: Today I create by being childlike.

Recommendation: Things I Overheard While Talking to Myself
by Alan Alda

Things I Overheard While Talking to MyselfKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Selfless Action

3.25 Even as the unwise work selfishly in the bondage of selfish works, let the wise man work unselfishly for the good of all the world.

3.30 Offer to me all thy works and rest thy mind on the Supreme. Be free from vain hopes and selfish thoughts, and with inner peace fight thou thy fight..The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 3)

selfless work

The highest work is that which is done for the greater benefit of others and is done without thought of selfish gain. That is one clear message from this religious tome of ancient India.

inner peace

Inner peace is the foundation necessary for real growth in life. On such soil can be born intentions and resolutions that will lead to divinely inspired actions and results. Such actions will not be binding and will affect the larger good.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM divinely guided.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Terra Firma!

I like terra firma; the more firma, the less terra.  – George S. Kaufman


How do we find stability amidst constant change? How do we feel good during turmoil? How can we forge-on despite setbacks?


For one by beating fear. Also by laughing at ourselves especially when we take us and life too seriously! In fact that ought to be a big clue! As soon as we start taking our life and circumstances too seriously, let’s step back, tickle ourselves and others involved and laugh ourselves crazy!!

Daily Affirmation: Today I laugh.

Recommendation: This Time I Dance! by Tama J. Kieves

This Time I Dance!: Creating the Work You LoveKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Our Natural Essence

Your natural essence is right every time, but will speak only in the absence of fixed beliefs. Vernon Howard

our essence

Our core is inhabited by a creative and eternal presence. We can gain access to this central part of us through a variety of means. It’s ever present and seeking to integrate itself into our conscious living moments.

an open mind

One way to access and collaborate with this essential part of us is to live in the eternal now moment. When we do that with an open mind, few pre-conceived notions and an inner humility, we draw ever closer to this divine presence.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM open and present.

Recommendation: In Tune With the Infinite by Ralph Waldo Trine

In Tune With the Infinite: An Inspirational Masterpiece that Tracends TimeKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Speak To God

True, you do well to pray when harassed, but you should also be mindful to speak as a son to your Father even when all goes well with your soul.Jesus, The Urantia Papers

pray often

Prayer is our constant connection to God (reality). We do best when we can at some level stay connected to that prime reality. Prayer is the means, the way and an end itself. Prayer leads to deep connection. Prayer becomes the connection.

personality, one to another

God is personality. One personality seeks another. Just like the child might seek its parent, so does the parent seek the child. One completes the other, it’s a relationship, one that is timeless and forever. Neglect not to engage in such a supreme adventure!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM God’s companion, just like he’s mine.

Recommendation: The Urantia Papers

The Urantia Book: Indexed Version with free Audio Book on DVD (Can only be played on a computer with a DVD drive.)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

The Role Models

Don’t worry that your children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you.  – Robert Fulghum

us not them

It’s true isn’t it, we’re ever complaining that others don’t listen (we have all the answers)! If they’d only listen and pay attention, their life would be so much better!!

our life

What about our life? Why are we so full of ourselves that we seldom truly notice where we need to change? Heck if we changed our perspective no one else might ever need to change again!! Children and adults are watching us, we make a profound impact on others the way we show up daily.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM the best I can be.

Recommendation: All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten
by Robert Fulghum

All I Really Need to Know I Learned in KindergartenKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6

Peace In Action

3.17 But the man who has found the joy of the Spirit and in the Spirit has satisfaction, who in the Spirit has found his peace, that man is beyond the law of action.The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 3)

in spirit

The Gita instructs us that our salvation is found within us. It’s the abode of the eternal. When we seek it and begin to discover the fountain of joy and of peace, our whole life and perspective changes…

for god

The law of action according to The Gita is in effect when we act hoping for a certain outcome, we are then tied to that action and its result. That keeps us from gaining even-mindedness. When an action is made pure by devoting it to God, one is not bound by the effects of such action…

Daily Affirmation: Today I ACT in tandem with the Spirit inside me.

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6