Category Archives: Dale Carnegie

How To Make A Great First Impression!

A man without a smiling face must not open a shop.Chinese Sayings

no go!

We shouldn’t set foot outside our house if we’re not smiling! We shouldn’t be talking to another soul if we’re not smiling! Heck we shouldn’t be thinking about anything if we’re not able to smile within! How can we be motivated to do anything if we’re not happy and smiling?

life principles

5th Dale Carnegie Principle: Smile!

From the book How To Win Friends And Influence People:

The Value of a smile at Christmas

It cost nothing, but creates much.
It enriches those who receive, without impoverishing those who give.
It happens in a flash and the memory of it sometimes lasts forever.
None are so rich they can get along without it, and none so poor but are richer for its benefits.
It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in a business, and is the countersign of friends.
It is rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and nature’s best antidote for trouble
Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen for it is something that is no earthly good to anybody till it is given away.
And if in the last minute rush of Christmas buying some of our salespeople should be too tired to give you a smile, may we ask you to leave one of yours?
For nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give!!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a smile machine!

Recommendation: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People, Revised EditionKindle Fire, Full Color 7

How To Be Welcome Anywhere!

It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others.Alfred Adler


Most of the time we’re only interested in our own life. We ask ‘What can this person give me that I need?’, or ‘what’s in it for me in this situation?’. Because we’re either selfish or indifferent we miss out on Life’s great opportunities. An opportunity to deepen relationships, to truly understand others, to help when someone is desperate for help, or even to improve our own lives…

life principles

4th Dale Carnegie Principle: Be genuinely interested in other people.

Here’s a story written by President Roosevelt’s valet James Amos:

"My wife one time asked the President about a bobwhite. She had never seen one and he described it to her fully. Sometime later, the telephone at our cottage rang. (The Amos’ lived in a cottage on the Roosevelt estate.) My wife answered it and it was Mr. Roosevelt himself. He had called, he said, to tell her that there was a bobwhite outside her window and that if she would look out she might see it."

What a great example of showing genuine interest in another individual! And that’s the key, being genuinely and truly interested in the other individual no matter who they are or whether they can ever be useful to us. This principle is a key that’ll allow us to be welcome everywhere we go!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM genuinely interested in others!

Recommendation: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People, Revised EditionKindle Fire, Full Color 7

How To Wow Anyone!

Many persons call a doctor when all they want is an audience.Reader’s Digest

just listen

How can we impress anyone? How can we help anyone instantly? By simply listening to them. Most people like to talk, even those who don’t talk much love to talk when given a real chance. Just like people love to hear their name, they love even more to hear their own voice! When we give that gift to anyone, we are more appreciated than we can imagine!

life principles

7th Principle: Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

This simple technique works wonders. But let’s not use it as a technique. Let’s use it to genuinely listen and learn about others, their problems and goals. Then we can be better equipped to help them in their journey.

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a real listener!

Recommendation: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People, Revised EditionKindle Fire, Full Color 7

How To Win The Whole World!

First, arouse in the other person an eager want. He who can do this has the whole world with him. He who cannot walks a lonely way.Harry Overstreet

motivating others

How are we motivated to do anything? We do something because we want something, like go for a movie because we want to be entertained. This essential principle applies to everyone else too. And that’s exactly what we can employ to get others to cooperate with us. Of course it has to be a genuine effort not a manipulative one…

Here’s a story from the book:

‘Andrew Carnegie’s sister-in-law was worried sick over her two boys. They were at Yale, and they were so busy with their own affairs that they neglected to write home and paid no attention whatever to their mother’s frantic letters. Carnegie offered to wager a hundred dollars that he could get an answer by return mail, without even asking for it! Someone called his bet; so he wrote his nephews a chatty letter, mentioning casually in a postscript that he was sending each one a five-dollar bill. He neglected, however, to enclose the money. That did the trick. Back came the replies by return mail thanking "Dear Uncle Andrew" for his kind note and …you can finish the sentence yourself.’

life principles

3rd Principle: Arouse in the other person an eager want.

I’m going to use this space to blog each Dale Carnegie Life Principle that I’ve come across lately. There are 2 selfish benefits:

  1. I get to share them with you!
  2. And get to reinforce and relive them myself!

Thank you for being such a great audience to my own self-improvement adventures and ramblings!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM cognizant of others’ wants!

Recommendation: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People, Revised EditionKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why Sincere Appreciation Works!

The way to develop the best that is in a man is by appreciation and encouragement.Charles M Schwab


We all have a big need to feel important. By making the other person feel important we can build amazing relationships. Dale Carnegie states that the 2nd principle in winning people over is to ‘Give honest, sincere appreciation’.


Every man I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him. Ralph Waldo Emerson

If we make the soul-effort to find that which is great and noteworthy in the other individual we can honestly point that out and make the other person feel important. Only goodness can come from that!

Daily Affirmation: Today I notice others’ greatness!

Recommendation: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People, Revised EditionKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why Judging Doesn’t Help!

God himself, sir, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days. Why should you and I?Dr. Johnson


I just started reading this classic by Dale Carnegie (linked below) and the first principle he shares on how to build great relationships is ‘Don’t Criticize, Condemn or Complain’! We are complex beings, a muddle of ego, emotions and opinions, we do have to tread carefully when attempting to build long term relationships! When we put someone down by telling them exactly why they’re wrong we rarely achieve the goal of nurturing great relationships. Criticism puts the recipient into a defensive mode and their hurt ego cannot easily respond back positively.

judge not

Why should we judge anyway? Putting self into that mode transports us into that negative vibration and makes life for us more like the recipient of our judgment. Have we observed how often we experience that which we noticed or ‘judged’ in another’s experience? Why is that? The more we stay in a positive vibration, the better it simply is!

Daily Affirmation: Today I judge not!

Recommendation: How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie

How To Win Friends And Influence People, Revised EditionKindle Fire, Full Color 7