Category Archives: a course in miracles

Herein Lies The Peace of God…

Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. a course in miracles

‘the peace of god’

The peace of God lies within us. It is us. Our essence, our true ‘I’-ness, can never be threatened, it always is, we always are, I AM. Everything else changes constantly and therefore is not ultimately real. To claim this peace that we are, we must re-identify with that which is real, that which is us, I AM.

[series] Soul stirring quotes from A Course in Miracles

[acim] Do We Really Want The Truth?

It is there, wherever you are, being within you. a course in miracles

‘being within you’

Imagine wearing a futuristic pair of VR glasses that provide an experience of virtual-reality that’s as real as it can get. With those glasses on, our body could be sitting somewhere and not moving at all. The experience due to the glasses could have us hurtling through a tunnel, in a fast moving car that’s avoiding going out of control on an icy road. After just a little while it would be easy to forget that we have these fancy glasses on. And it would be easy to completely slip into the character that we are, within that VR world. While still seated on a piece of furniture our entire world within the VR could be topsy-turvy, violent and very colorful.

Someone within the VR might ask us, ‘Where is Reality?’ How might we respond to that question? What do we have to do to re-discover reality? Do we really want to exit the VR? Some questions to ponder as we ruminate on our life on this planet and at this point in Time and Space…

[series] Soul stirring quotes from A Course in Miracles

[acim] How To Rediscover Truth…

Truth is restored to you through your desire, as it was lost to you through your desire for something else. a course in miracles

a better way

What we truly want is what we experience in our lives. When we realize that this world and its experiences will never truly satisfy us, we are then ready to rediscover the truth that we are. We will begin to experience peace, love, joy and happiness when we desire truth more than anything else.

[series] Soul stirring quotes from A Course in Miracles