Category Archives: a course in miracles

I Can Be Hurt By Nothing But My Thoughts…

I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts. a course in miracles

only I

The entirety of our thoughts, beliefs and assumptions is our world. Life and its problems are easily summed up thusly. Our experience of Life is via our thoughts, the mind that we’ve constructed which is the same as ‘I’, the ego. And it’s the Ego, who we think is us, that appears to hurt us. Nothing but our own thoughts is the culprit.

[series] Soul stirring quotes from A Course in Miracles

From Now to Eternity…

Now is the closest approximation of eternity that this world offers. a course in miracles

what is, now

Now, truly now, is a place, actually an experience, that’s indescribable. It’s where we, as pure awareness, are simply experiencing what is. We’re not naming what is, or creating word descriptions of it in our minds. We’re just ‘knowing’, and eventually ‘being’ what is.

[series] Soul stirring quotes from A Course in Miracles

Who Is Our Source?

Let me remember You created me. a course in miracles


For a reason lost to antiquity we’ve forgotten from whence we came. Apparently it was our decision to do so, which is why God cannot force herself into our consciousness. We must decide to go back by demolishing the barriers we’ve created between us and God. Prayer and genuine effort at reconciliation goes a long way.

[series] Soul stirring quotes from A Course in Miracles

The Only Worthwhile Goal…

God is our only goal, our only Love. a course in miracles

our only love

We’re seeking ultimate satisfaction. We cry for love and crave for attention. We want to be heard and to matter. No earthly goal or desire has yet been able to deliver, and never will. That’s because we seek ultimate satisfaction and fulfillment. Only realization of ultimate reality will do the trick. If we’re not clear about what we seek, we’ll never be satisfied, happy or fulfilled.

[series] Soul stirring quotes from A Course in Miracles

Why All Things Are Helpful…

It takes great learning to understand that all things, events, encounters, and circumstances are helpful. a course in miracles

it’s all helpful

What does ‘are helpful’ mean here? From the perspective of A Course in Miracles, everything in our life experience is pushing us to awaken from the dream of this existence. And what’s pushing us is our own soul-level choosing. Nothing that’s happening to us is not of our own choosing. All that appears to be happening to us is helpful and is gently (mostly) guiding us to awaken.

[series] Soul stirring quotes from A Course in Miracles