Begin Something New…

The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings.Dave Weinbaum

you are already creative

We hesitate to move forward with our great ideas because we don’t trust our selves. We don’t think we’re creative; we stymie our future by thinking less of our selves. Give your self permission to think and know that you were born creative. And with that creative mindset figure out…

your next step

Imagine you’re that artist you want to be, the business magnate in the making! With such a perspective, what would you do next? Taking those small, definitive steps daily, will surely get you to a place far better than if you continue to live your life in a humdrum fashion.

Come on, get up, take that first step in the journey of a thousand miles, you’re a capable, effective and creative child of the Universe, there’s no stopping you!

Recommendation: Do It! Let’s Get Off Our Buts

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