Become The Goal!

Don’t just pursue your goal…inhabit it. Wear it, act it, live it, taste it! Get committed—take action! – Gary Ryan Blair

your goal

  • What’s on top of your mind? If it’s a concern or worry, drop it.
  • What do you truly want? If it’s utterly selfish, consider dropping it.
  • What were you designed to do and to be? Ponder that.

become it

Your goal, immediate or long term, brings meaning to life. Once you decide the meaning you’re going to give to your life, its time to jump into action. Action brings clarity and further direction… what are you waiting for??

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM my goal!

Recommendation: Release Your Brilliance by Simon T. Bailey

Release Your Brilliance: The 4 Steps to Transforming Your Life and Revealing Your Genius to the WorldKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6