I wish that every human life might be pure transparent freedom. – Simone de Beauvoir
happy independence day
July 1st and July 4th mark independence for Canada and the United States, respectively, congratulations!! Independence Days by Month and Country.
We ought to be free. What does that mean?
We should be free of fear. We should be free of our biases and ignorance. We should free ourselves of our limiting assumptions. We should be free of all negativity. We should free others of our expectations. We should freely forgive everyone including self. We should be free to love. We should be free of others’ opinions of us. We should be free of what society thinks we should be doing or wearing.
We should free ourselves from excessive materialism. We should free some time up to devote to God. We should free some time up to serve others.
Out this whole week, see you back on Monday, July 9th!
Daily Affirmation: Today I AM free, and set everyone else free!!
Recommendation: Living the Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes