Tag Archives: thinking

What Do We Have?

It is impossible not to have, but it is possible not to know you have.A Course in Miracles (ACIM)

we do have

We have a lot more than we can ever imagine. God travels with us during every moment of our lives. Do we need anything else?


Today I AM with God. I have everything I had ever needed.

Recommendation: A Course in Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman

A Course in Miracles: Combined VolumeKindle Paperwhite, 6

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How To Think About Life…

Do you know what’s really, really, really easy? Whatever you say is really, really, really easy.

Same goes for the hard stuff.Mike Dooley

the big easy

We define Life for ourselves. Is it easy, tough, unfair, lavish, adventurous or hard? We decide. We label. Then we experience…


Today I AM going to experience a fulfilling and loving day!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

Kindle Paperwhite, 6

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Do you like who you are?

Do you like who you are?Pick The Brain

like self?

Do we like who we are?


Today I AM enjoying being me. I AM ok with who I AM already.

Recommendation: Dancing with Life by Phillip Moffitt

Dancing with Life: Buddhist Insights for Finding Meaning and Joy in the Face of SufferingKindle Paperwhite, 6

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Why Duality Sucks…

When we think our family is special then another one may not be. If our town is cooler then the next town over might suck. When I love my country then I might hate another. If my religion is ‘the’ way then certainly all others aren’t. If I’m a Republican then Democrats are losers. NamasteNow!

us vs. them

If we’re always thinking ‘us vs. them’ then we are responsible for the situation the world is in. We are to blame.


Today I AM going beyond duality. I AM starting to create peace within myself.

Recommendation: The Storm Before the Calm by Neale Donald Walsch

The Storm Before the Calm: Book 1 in the Conversations with Humanity SeriesKindle Paperwhite, 6

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Why Be Picky In This Case?

You’re picky about the car you drive. You’re picky about what you wear. You’re picky about what you put in your mouth. We want you to be pickier about what you think.Abraham

thinking right

It’s straightforward. We design our life and its experiences largely via our thinking (beliefs, attitudes and expectations included). Doesn’t it behoove us to pick our thoughts carefully?


Today I AM picky about my thoughts. I AM carefully curating what I think!

Recommendation: The Law of Attraction by Esther Hicks

 The Law of Attraction: The Basics of the Teachings of AbrahamKindle Paperwhite, 6

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Which Ideology Is Best?

As soon as you look at the world through an ideology you are finished. No reality fits an ideology. Life is beyond that.Anthony De Mello


God in his infinity is unknowable. No ideology can wrap Truth up. We can know god but we can’t know God. We can live truth but we can’t grasp Truth.


Today I AM humbled by the immensity of it all. Help me God.

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

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How To Overcome The Past…

No one is ever at the mercy of their past any more than they’re at the mercy of old, family photo albums. Just “take more pictures.”Mike Dooley

create the future

What future would we like? Where do our mundane thoughts go? How are we designing our future via the thoughts we think?


Today I AM the architect of my future via the thoughts that I design! As I think I AM led by the Divine…

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

Kindle Paperwhite, 6

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