How To Gain Deeper Understanding?

…to understand what is, one must observe what one thinks, feels and does from moment to moment. Krishnamurti


We’re like babies in the Universe. We found ourselves born on this planet, surrounded by a variety of people, thoughts, attitudes, mores and more. Essentially we have to make sense of our place in this reality. We are conditioned, biased and generally not super capable of figuring it all out. So what should we do?

first steps

The first and main step is that of becoming more aware. More aware of self, reactions, attitudes, tendencies, drivers, intentions and purposes. Once we understand our proclivities and actions better we’ll be on our way. The Universe rewards awareness and curiosity. We can define the questions that must be asked as we increase our awareness. The two combined, will yield most of the answers we seek!

awareness + curiosity = understanding

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM aware and curious.

Recommendation: The Awakening of Intelligence by Krishnamurti

The Awakening of IntelligenceKindle Wireless Reading Device, Wi-Fi, 6