Category Archives: Quotes – 2018

What Is It That We Want Most? ’Tis Peace…

There can be no peace if you believe you need something before you can be at peace. Gina Lake


We are all ultimately seeking peace, even if we call it by other names such as happiness, purpose or fulfillment. The good news is that we don’t have to ‘do’ anything or get to anyplace to experience peace. This is fabulous news indeed once we truly understand its import. Rejoice! And be at peace…

Black, White or Truth?

The only thing in life that is black or white are those colors. Gina Lake

yes, no?

The main reason we have strife in the world is because everyone thinks they’re right. We as individuals, as religious and political groups, and as countries, we ‘know’ that we are right. Even events and experiences are either good or bad. There’s often no middle ground. What’s the truth here?

What Story Will We Paint Today?

You don’t see others the way they are. You see them the way you are. The painter is inseparable from the painting. Scott Kiloby

painting relationships

We paint others with the broad brush of our own life experiences. And because we stay mostly lost in our own thoughts, we know others only via our stories about them. Are our stories about them true? Are any of the stories that we spin up true?

What Do We Experience Daily?

People experience their thoughts about life more than they experience real life. Gina Lake


Are we living our entire life in and via thoughts? If so we’re missing out on what’s actually going on. Are we ready to enjoy and experience Life as it is? Then we must learn to get out of our heads as much as is possible.

What’s The Ultimate Destination?

My destination is no longer a place but, rather, a new way of seeing. Marcel Proust

see afresh

We’re lost in endless fulfillment of our desires. They may lead nowhere. We’re lost in the midst of endless thoughts. Where are they leading us? Do we need to fulfill the next desire? Do we need to go to that next destination? Maybe not, nevertheless what we want is something that we already have. A new way of seeing, the beauty, the truth and the goodness that already abounds, that which already is. No need to go anywhere to enjoy and relish that.