Category Archives: Quotes – 2011

What Is The Spirit Of Work?

18.46 A man attains perfection when his work is worship of God, from whom all things come and who is in all. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 18)

perfect work

Perfect work is that which benefits others and provides peace of mind to self. Such work is possible when we are ‘devoted’ to it. Such work becomes ‘heavenly’ work when done with the right ‘spirit’! What is this spirit of work?

spirit of work

According to The Gita God is intimately involved in all our activities. It then behooves us to involve God into our daily activities. This is a sure way to perfection and peace. How does one do it though? Here are some examples:

  • As we do anything we do it as though God asked us to do it…
  • We interact with others as though we’re dealing with God…
  • We submit all work deliverables as an offering to God…

Please let me know what thoughts or comments you have on this topic!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM an instrument of God!

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Fire, Full Color 7

What Is Non-Violence?

True non-violence is an impossibility without the possession of unadulterated fearlessness.Mahatma Gandhi

being fearless

Fear drives a lot of our behavior. We fear loss of relationships, health or wealth and that leads to our reactions to life and to others. The flip side is love. When we experience love, fear has no place inside us. To eliminate fear, which we all want to do, 2 things, in my opinion are necessary:

  1. Faith: A faith in the goodness of the Universe, in God and in the ultimate triumph over any and all evil.
  2. Love: With that faith as our basis we can attempt to connect with that very energy that resides within us. This energy is Love itself.

flow with love

As we start connecting with that deep peace within us, love gushes up just like a spring fountain! That love then must be distributed to others through genuine service if we are to maintain it. The divine loop is complete: God <—> Self <—> Others. Then love starts to flow through us, from God to others and non-violence is the natural result. We’re fearless because nothing of consequence can hurt us. Life is wonderful!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM love personified!

Recommendation: Love: What Life Is All About by Leo F. Buscaglia

Love: What Life Is All AboutKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why We Must Begin With Self

To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves.Krishnamurti

old news?

We’ve heard the same message numerous times, but this bears repeating as a reminder to all of us. All the messengers and great thinkers have independently uttered this truth and underscored its importance in effecting a world filled with love, peace and prosperity!


All 3 levels of being must be involved and targeted to transform self. We might start with Spirit then move to Mind and finally the Body. Maybe we attempt to involve and impact all 3 spheres simultaneously. But attempt we must. We must try to figure out what in us needs to change for the better. As we become better examples of this change, we give others the permission to do the same, we become living models for all. Let’s commit to this noble effort!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a self-transformer!

Recommendation: The Awakening of Intelligence by Krishnamurti

The Awakening of IntelligenceKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why YOU Are It!

You are something new in this world. Be glad of it.Dale Carnegie


Ok, you and I, are totally unique, in all of time and all of space… Let’s allow that to totally sink in! Let’s meditate on the enormity of what this means to us and those around us…


Let’s rejoice in this spiritual fact! We have so much to celebrate! We are God’s special children. How should we feel about this? What will we do with our specialness? How is our time best spent?

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM the ONE!

Recommendation: How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie

How to Stop Worrying and Start LivingKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Where Does The Buck Stop?

You are the center of divine operation in your life, and your partner is the Universe. No one can get in the way of your creation.Rhonda Byrne

the center

God’s focus is on us! We are supremely valuable to her, we may be able to do without her for some time but she can’t do without us even for a moment! Can we believe that? Our self-worth suffers tremendously when we don’t accept this essential spiritual fact in faith. And herein lies the key to ‘peace beyond all understanding’.

god child

We are God children. We’re God’s children. All humans are our siblings. We live a spiritual life even when we don’t realize it. We’re responsible for our own well-being. Nothing stands between us and God, between us and true happiness, between us and a most fulfilling life, nothing!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM a child of God!

Recommendation: The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The SecretKindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why Life Is Always Perfect!

18.37 What seems at first a cup of sorrow is found in the end immortal wine. The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 18)

life is

We’re not separate from Life. We are it. We’re generally not conscious of what goes on inside our heads and why we do what we do. Life is the gradual unfolding of our awareness of life itself. Once we realize that, our journey, our Life journey truly begins.

embrace life

The Gita constantly nudges us towards greater awareness of self and of the divine. The two aren’t separate and in fact constitute Life itself. The divine expresses itself through us to experience that which it can’t otherwise. We are a divine expression! With that thought we may embrace life and jump in!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM Life!

Recommendation: The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics) by Juan Mascaro

The Bhagavad Gita (Penguin Classics)Kindle Fire, Full Color 7

Why We Must Take Bold Steps!

Standing in the inspiring vision of my future, I boldly take every step – large and small – with courage and intent.Jonathan Lockwood Huie


What is the most amazing future we can imagine for self and the world? To what material, mental and spiritual heights can we scale? What can we dream up next? When will we start acting like the children of God that we are already?

courageous intent

We can do all that’s good for others and self through courage and intent. Courage allows us to take the first and consequent steps. We can be focused on the goal and know that God gently holds us in his palm. Intent is essential because that’s the co-creation the Universe seeks from us. God is unable to act in the realm of the human without our active participation. He provides all the building blocks and we may join the fun with just a dream in our hearts! The divine play is then in action!

Daily Affirmation: Today I AM courageous and creative!

Recommendation: True Purpose by Tim Kelley

True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to MakeKindle Fire, Full Color 7