Tag Archives: attitude

How To Be Led…

If it helps you, think of me holding your hand and leading you.
And I assure you this will be no idle fantasy.

A Course in Miracles (ACIM)

be led to peace

If we know we can be led by God himself then what worries can we ever have? Seriously…


Today I AM being led by the Father, I AM at peace…

Recommendation: A Course in Miracles by Dr. Helen Schucman

A Course in Miracles: Combined VolumeKindle Paperwhite, 6

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Are You A Lightworker?

A Lightworker is someone who makes a conscious decision to answer the call of Source (light) over the call of the ego (fear).. Rebecca Campbell


If we consciously spread light to others we are Lightworkers. Let’s heed the call…


Today I AM lighting up to spread light amongst my brothers and sisters. Amen!

Recommendation: Light Is the New Black by Rebecca Campbell

Light Is the New Black: A Guide to Answering Your Soul's Callings and Working Your LightKindle Paperwhite, 6

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What’s The Source?

If you hand a man a lemon and tell him that its sourness lies outside the lemon he will think you are joking. Yet with a perfectly straight face that same man will tell you that his sour life is caused by external events.Vernon Howard


What’s the real cause of what’s going on in our lives? Are we responsible for our own happiness?


Today I AM affirming my responsibility over my own life. I AM happy…

Recommendation: The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power by Vernon Howard

The Mystic Path to Cosmic PowerKindle Paperwhite, 6

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How To Be A Master!

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls the butterfly. Richard Bach

a butterfly!

We are all butterflies in the making. We are diamonds in the rough. What God sees is a massively broad, parallel and multi-dimensional view of our circumscribed life.


Today I AM patient. I understand there’s a larger design. I AM faithful today. All is well.

Recommendation: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston SeagullIllusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Kindle Paperwhite, 6

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How Do We View Life?

There’s no blessing that can’t be a disaster, and no disaster that can’t be a blessing. Richard Bach

a blessing

Generally after a terrible event occurs we have to wait a real long time to understand what good might come from it. After the massacre in South Carolina last year, lo-behold there was a miracle of grace and faith. Most families simply and genuinely forgave the wielder of that horrendous and unthinkable violence. It was a great testament to their faith in God and God’s love in their life.


Today I AM ready to forgive one and all. God gives me the strength I need to withstand the ‘terrible’ things in my life. I will survive and I will triumph when I partner with my Father!

Recommendation: Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach

Jonathan Livingston SeagullIllusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah Kindle Paperwhite, 6

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Why Is It Up To Me?

The beauty does not live out there;
the beauty’s in my eyes.

Jonathan Lockwood Huie

up to me

Because how we perceive anything in life, is entirely up to us. We see and experience everything out there, within us. How are we going to experience life today?


Today I AM appreciative of everything I experience. I AM viewing Life like it is the result of a lotto I won, because it is!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

Kindle Paperwhite, 6

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How To Find Untold Happiness!

Q: How do you find love, health, abundance, and enlightenment?
A: Stop searching and start seeing what’s been there all along.

Mike Dooley

it’s here!

When we recognize and appreciate what we already possess, then more of the same will be attracted into our lives…


Today I AM thankful for the love and health I AM enjoying! Life is good!

Recommendation: Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley

Kindle Paperwhite, 6

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