How To Generate Peace…

There is no peace without forgiveness.  – Marianne Williamson


How many resentments can we harbor? We pay a price for each resentment that we make our own. We can never truly rest or be peaceful until the psychological baggage of any resentment is resolved. And that transaction is completed only when we truly forgive.

Here’s a secret. God’s love and forgiveness can’t be felt in our heart until we can completely forgive all those who might have hurt us in anyway. It makes for a major spiritual block. Try this right now, in your mind find someone who irritates you or who you haven’t forgiven yet. Now visualize them and completely forgive them if you can. If you do, you’ll immediately feel a very palpable peace (a lightness) descend into your heart.

Forgiveness is the first step to peace, even to effective meditation. Ideally we should forgive daily.


Today I AM forgiving everyone and everything that ever bothered me! I AM a forgiving machine. I feel lighter. I feel loved. I AM safe.

Recommendation: Marianne Williamson – Everyday Grace

Marianne Williamson - Everyday GraceKindle Paperwhite, 6